Thursday 26 September 2013

Hallo great people!It is a great joy  and honour to share my life and thoughts with you.Today I want to encourage somebody.Have you ever felt like a victim in life?have you ever felt like life hates you?have you ever felt like you don't want to continue since things have become so thick and they seem not to get better?have you ever woken up one morning and everything just crumbles on you and you wonder why did this day show up? have you ever wondered where God is when all this shake up is happening?Personally have been there and it is a bad place to be.I have experienced tough times but there is one that nearly crushed me in the inside.That was the painful  loss of  close members of my nuclear family who died one by one until they were all gone.The deaths were not by accidents but through sicknesses that were treatable.It started with my sister  in 1992, then my brother in 1998, my mom in the year2000 and my father in the year2003.After the last person who is my father passed on, I lost hope and I was very  desperate.I lost my self identity and self esteem as well.Life had lost its meaning to me. I was filled with grief that lasted for eight years.But by  the grace and mercies Of God, I was able to deal with my loss and my healing started.I wrote my first book ''THE VICTOR IN EVERY VICTIM''to share my experiences and lessons. Today I look at life with a VICTOR attitude rather than a victim attitude.Having a victor attitude is the best way to deal with life tragedies and challenges.When we look at problems and challenges with a VICTOR attitude, our thinking changes and this tough circumstances stop to define us .We get in control of our own lives.This helps us to dream and chart the course that we would want our life to take.When we go through problems, there is a lot of emotional turmoil that happens in the inside.I have Learn t  that you can also speak to your heart.Say to it "be still and  peace be unto you my dear heart'', it works miracles.In addition ,do not die alone with problems.Look for a friend  or a professional who you can pour out your heart to since a problem shared is a problem half solved.Above all speak to God in prayer and he is always ready to listen.God bless you and be encouraged.There is a victor within you.

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