Tuesday 1 October 2013


You have heard the saying''when life hands you a lemon,make lemonade out of it.''This saying defines two classes of ideology in life and places each human being on either side.Some of us cave in quite predictably under the weight of life's negative experiences and circumstances.The other category  seem to have the DNA of champions  or victors.They never say die.They may feel the pain and discomfort of lack,rejection and other catastrophes but with  determination and self encouragement they soon get up and trudge on.The predictable result is they emerge victorious.A victor mentality doesn't mean lack of problems and challenges.In essence, if life didn't have any challenges ,I think it would be boring at some point..This doesn't mean that we should  yearn for a good life either.We should .It means not letting these issues stop you from achieving your personal goals and living your life to the best possible standards.When God was creating the universe,He created it from nothing.The good book says that the earth was void and without form.God commanded it to have light and indeed there was light.I love reading the book of genesis because it shows us the principles of  creation and development .We can also speak light to our lives.Light brings with it hope,vision,new beginnings,beauty just to mention a few.There is a victor inside you.You just need to believe and think like a victor.God bless you.

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