Wednesday 9 October 2013


When the life maths and cards seem not to add up,
causing your emotions to rise high in motion,
hurting you dear heart.
Don't throw in the towel
even in your turmoil.
your destiny is in God and not man ,
your maker and not these ugly heart breakers.

Rise up when you fall and roll your sleeves,
open the door to your soul for the cool breeze,
 that comes with the winds,
 of the love of Christ that doesn't freeze.
Focus on your big dreams
 and be full of life to the brim,
the race  may not be swift
 but keep on keeping on and don't drift
,face your life giant and remember like king David
 you can give him a permanent shift.

Hebrews 10:19 the writings of Paul,
reminds us to walk and stand tall,
in our walk with Christ and put a high wall,
and put a halt,
 to the things that hinder our lives greatest call,
to serve God and humanity in our lives big hall,
bringing honor and glory to his kingdom for all.

By Steve Muchiri

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